
Happy New Year


As palavras que nunca te dirão


Ler é o melhor remédio

The Jesus and Mary Chain

A alegria de todos

Sonho dos outros

Enquanto houver estrada para andar

Eu sou pai!


As Senhoras

On the road (sem o Jack)

The kids are alright

Get lost

Amor sem fios

Where is my mind?

t's going to be a bright, bright, bright sunshinny day (apesar da chuva)

«so when you hear this autumn song remember the best times are yet to come»

Sakineh Ashtiani

Para juntares à tua carta para o Pai Natal

It's cold outside

Vamos aos treinos?

And when two lovers woo They still say, "I love you."

I got 25 bucks and a cracker, do you think it's enough to get us there?

Aos bons recomeços

Release the stars

Talvez ainda esteja, antes de amanhecer, a dormir acordado...

Servir bem e bem servir dá saúde e faz sorrir

I am my street

'cause I'm real life

It's reeeeal love

You haven't looked at me that way in years

Glitter on the hallway

I'm gonna chow down my vegetables

In a town that's cold and grey We will have a sunny day

In a town that's cold and grey We will have a sunny day

I wanna hurry home to you

There's no place where we can't go

Tomato, potato

Te convido a pasear

Wouldn'it be a lovely headline, «LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL», on The New York Times?