Kit Kittredge: explicar a crise aos mais pequenos

Como explicar a crise aos mais novos?

Vejam com eles o filme Kit Kittredge: An American Girl. Para nós encheu-nos as medidas, até demais. O António e a Clara ambos choraram quando perceberam que o pai da Kit (Chris O'Donnel - mais bonito com a idade e com os cabelos brancos:))) ficou sem emprego e teve que ir para longe para procurar uma nova forma de sustento.

Mas nao conto mais, vejam com os vossos filhos e depois contem-nos o que eles gostaram mais:)) Marta, o Francisco é demasiado novo... mas fica a dica!!

Eu gostei de tudo, especialmente do Stanley Tucci (sempre original e convincente) dos Hobos, o clubes de amigos secretos, a biblioteca itinerante etc. já conseguem imaginar, certo?

"Written by Ann Peacock and based on Valerie Tripp’s stories for the doll of the same name, “Kit Kittredge” takes place during the Great Depression in Cincinnati (earnestly played by Toronto), where the jobless are in the streets and the middle classes are in denial. To 9-year-old Kit (little miss Abigail Breslin), however, the shambling hobos who haunt her affluent neighborhood have an untapped utility: as subjects for the article she’s determined to have published in The Cincinnati Register.

Kit’s Amanpour aspirations are briefly sidelined when her beloved father (Chris O’Donnell) loses his car dealership and heads to Chicago to look for work. Desperate, her saintly mother (a lovely Julia Ormond) opens their home to a motley collection of boarders, who provide the film with a lively core of adult performances and punch lines. Stanley Tucci is especially delightful as a smooth-tongued, secretive magician, while Joan Cusack, always more comfortable in vinegar than sugar, struggles a bit as a librarian whose personality leans more toward batty than tart."

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  1. Mas eu quero ver na mesma! :)

  2. [...] Kit Kittredge… There’s no place… Dividimos Sophia? Nem que eu leve… Share the loveMais [...]


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